This year, we have celebrated Easter in very unusual circumstances. Social distancing is something we have to practice these days. Regardless of that, we hope that you have spent a happy Easter with your family and shared Easter messages on our blog. As we promised, the three best messages will get 100, 50, and 25 free spins. For all other participants, we have a consolation prize of 10 free spins. Check out rewarded Easter messages by Casino Extreme below.
Annie, 100 Free Spins
What defines Easter, what it represents, and what it means, varies to each individual and so does its level of importance and our expectations on how it’s celebrated.
With COVID-19 looming above us, many families are feeling disappointment, sadness, and frustration, as the threat of spreading the illness and the strict guidelines of social distancing, leave a warm family-filled house, empty. To say the least, this is difficult for many to accept, but ultimately, we have no alternative choice.
Now on the flip side, that being the worst-case scenario; let’s assess what is still available to us this Easter…Such as your favorite holiday foods, for some, those of whom are under your roof. Face time and phoning loved ones, and peace of mind that we are doing all we can, within our power, to ensure our loved ones will be around to celebrate next year.
While we are at it, let’s use these still available resources as a means to redefine our reasonable expectations for celebrating Easter 2020. In doing so, this shall soften the letdown and sadness, as meeting our prior 2020 definition of celebrating Easter is at this time impossible; although meeting our new and temporary modified goal is safe and achievable; which in turn may surprisingly bring satisfaction and fulfillment.
Rather than rejecting what has been bestowed upon us; let’s simply embrace our role in being part of the solution, and with that, let us gain a sense of accomplishment and victory as soon as our patients, wits, strengths, and dedications, shall conquer and prevail! As Easter returns next year; begin to imagine the ways we can reflect on this and be thankful, and how we can celebrate the success of our fight against it!
Benjamin, 50 Free Spins
During this time of uncertainty instead of viewing this pandemic as an ugly reality, I challenge you to find the beauty within it and use that to get you through it. Find the little things that on a day in the normal world you would usually overlook and appreciate those things because even after this is over I promise you they will stay with you but just hidden away from plain sight… so that’s why you just gotta remember they’re always there. #WeGotThis #USA #AtlantaGA #Lovethelittlethings #Standtogether #OneWorld #BeOptimistic #Loveyourneighbor #ItGetsBetter
Arthur, 25 Free Spins
This is really weird times that most of has ever seen and experienced, thank God we’re still all alive, this really makes you think about your life, your family, and how precious life really is, it makes you slow down and think. Pray to God every day you and your family is still alive, start enjoying the simple things you forgot that existed, until it’s taken away from you, give them family hugs everyday , just tell that family member you love them.